Mario Lopez: A visionary committed to Guatemala’s progress

Visionarios de Guatemala - Empesarios

Mario López, recognized as a pioneer in the Guatemalan business sector, has marked the trajectory of the country’s economic development with his vision and commitment. As the leader of Grupo Onyx, he has been instrumental in implementing innovative and sustainable strategies that have benefited not only his conglomerate but also the entire Guatemalan nation.

Boosting Innovation and Technological Development

López has been at the forefront of the technological revolution in Guatemala, especially in the telecommunications and energy sectors. Under his leadership, Tigo, part of Grupo Onyx, has become a giant in telecommunications, introducing cutting-edge technologies that have improved connectivity and digital integration of the country. His approach is not limited to business expansion but also aims to solve social problems through technology, facilitating access to education and improving health infrastructure with digital solutions.

Promotion of Sustainability and Renewable Energies

In the field of energy, Mario López has been an advocate for renewable energies, leading initiatives through Horus Energy to develop solar and wind energy projects in Guatemala. These projects not only reduce the country’s dependence on fossil fuels but also promote environmentally sustainable development, aligning Grupo Onyx’s business practices with global sustainability goals.

Commitment to Social Responsibility

López has shown a genuine commitment to social responsibility, investing in the community through the Mario López Estrada Foundation. The foundation has launched numerous programs that directly benefit Guatemalan communities in areas such as education, health, and economic development.